Grand Seiko GR-3300K

The Grand Seiko GR-3300K traditional autorefractor is a cost-effective alternative to the GR-3500KA for those who do not need the GR-3500KA’s Autofocus/Autotrack/Autostart abilities.

Their accuracy and reliability are identical, representing an excellent value without breaking the bank.

Features Include:

  • Color LCD Display to make alignment easier
  • Icon based screen to make it more user friendly
  • Auto Start – Once focused properly measurement occurs automatically. After measuring both eyes printing starts immediately.
  • Printer with Automatic Cutter
  • RS-232C Interface to allow data to be transfered to a PC
  • Measurement of Tonic Accommodation
  • Relax Function to reduce the margin of measurement error
  • Measurement of Corneal Peripheral
  • Measures to a 2.3mm pupil diameter
  • Motorized Chin Rest



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CoutureAttitude IIAttitude IEVO XS2Alta EvolutionEmotion 2Perception 2Perception 2 Groove
TracingGravitech® +
Gravitech® +
Gravitech® +
Gravitech® +
Gravitech®Gravitech® +
Safety BevelYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYes
Super-Hydrophobic Lens CycleYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYes
Small Eye Sizes <21mmYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYes
Color LCD DisplayYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYes
Touch Screen InterfaceYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYes
High Luster PolishYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYes
DrillingVariable 30°Variable 30°Variable 30°Variable 30°Variable 30°Fixed 10°Fixed 10°
High Volume EdgingYesYesYesYesYes
Wrap Frame ProcessingYesYesYesOptionalOptional
High SpeedYesYesYes
Advanced Motor ControlsYesYesYes
Chemistrie® Processing InterfaceYesYesYes
Smart Design MillingVersion 2.0Version 2.0
Shelf BevelingYesYes
TruFit 3D Lens SimulationYes



Additional information

Weight 60 lbs
Dimensions 26 × 18 × 25 in